
The Mission

The mission a BBF student undertakes has solidified. Building a dojo (club) in which one eagerly and joyfully trains a genuine art that doubles as a self-defense, alongside other trainees who feel the same, is the mission.

Information About BBF

In 1993, Blossoms Before the Fall Karate Dojo came into existence as a formal organization in Silicon Valley California.

The Chief Instructor (Sensei - Teacher) began his traditional Shotokan Karate training as a teenager, thirty years before the turn of this century. The Chief Instructor received his initial graduate rank (1st Degree Black Belt) under the tutelage of the respected JKA Instructor, Sensei Teruyuki Okazaki, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Chief Instructor decided he would build his vision, to create a Dojo (club) whose members each trained martial arts because of the art's appeal, not because of a frugal customer's need to get the most, particularly too quickly acquired rank, out of fees paid for Karate instruction. And so as such, the California based Blossoms Before the Fall Karate Dojo stood up in 1993.

Quoting Sensei’s expressed perspective then and now: Classical Shotokan Karate training has a lot to offer because “the ultimate value of martial arts remains the same for all styles, i.e., In a dangerous world . . . martial training creates the ability to physically, psychologically, spiritually, and yet reasonably, go where and do what we each choose."

“If you think about it, just being able to choose to walk in the world and among our fellow humans without unreasonable fear, is motivation enough to train Karate. But add in the natural expanded development of our minds, bodies, and spirits - how can anyone refuse to try?”


 1993 - 2023 Blossoms Before the Fall (Dojo)  © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.